Gregg Michaelsen


Gregg Michaelsen

Gregg Michaelsen

Advice & How To

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    May 2017

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    United States

  • Born

    20 March

  • Profession

    Author, Dating Coach, Life Coach


Gregg rules the dating advice genre having sold a quarter million books. He is a multiple #1 best-selling author, dating coach, and life coach. Being both gives him an incredible advantage helping his readers. He helps women (and men) succeed in both their dating and everyday lives. He encourages his readers to contact him through his books and get answers for free.

Gregg’s motto? Build Yourself and He Will Come.

When not answering emails from his readers, Gregg loves jetsking, surfing, hanging out under the palm trees in West Palm, and calling his Mom at 5 am. His Dad was a life coach, before they were even popular, and coached Gregg.

Gregg just completed a video shoot with world renowned dating/relationship expert Dr. Helen Fisher in NYC. He credits his three older sisters as the reason why he understands women so well. He gives to The Wounded Warrior Project and animal shelters.

Gregg is currently working on his latest book that helps women truly understand men so they can acquire what they want by communicating in a language that men understand. Exciting stuff!

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